Ice and Fire, Part II

FOR A MOMENT everything was blinding white light.
In that moment, Elsa started to panic that she had gone blind.
She fell to the floor, thumbing her way along the ground.
There was nothing but white light and the sound of ringing in her ears.
Her body was throbbing with pain all over.
Her mouth ached where his cock had violently fucked her mouth and there was a burning sensation where her head hit the wall repeatedly.
A fragment of vision came to her then…then another.
Piece by piece, her vision returned to her. The world around her returned.
Elsa limped along the ground, feeling the cool air ride up her bare ass. The sensation was dizzying, in a way that she couldn’t tell was arousal or anger.
She crawled into something rock solid before her and shrieked.
Upon closer inspection, it was the guard, his hands up as if shielding himself.
Elsa looked into the still eyes of the man that had forced himself upon her and felt the anger rise up through her, burning in her chest.
She lashed out with a shriek unlike anything she’s ever heard come from herself and the guard fell backwards into the ground.
There was a deafening crack and what was once the guard splintered into tiny fragments, scattering along the great hall in tiny jagged pieces.
The sight knocked the air right out of Elsa and held her in place.
She had just murdered a man. Just like that.
Everything around her seemed false. Like a dream.
Like she was viewing things through frosted glass.
I killed a man, Elsa thought. The words came to her again and again.
I killed a man. Murderer. MURDERER. You did it, you killed him. You’re going to bring down the entire kingdom.
She fell to her knees.
And screamed.

She stumbled through Anna’s door, her dress torn right down the middle, tears streaming down her face, with her blonde hair covering her eyes and cheeks.
Her left breast was exposed and bruised where the guard had struck her. It shone a bright purple in the light.
Anna was sitting in a chair that sat against the wall, a book lay opened in her lap.
Her eyes were wide and terrified.
With Anna’s eyes now on her, she could now feel the come resting on her face and the summer breeze racing across her ass.
For a moment, the two women stood eyeing each other and with every passing second, Elsa felt guilty for even coming to her.
“But I didn’t know where to go to” said Elsa, finishing the sentence out loud.
She had taken the back way to get to Anna’s to avoid the town’s eyes. She did it all for Anna. Something amongst the churning stomach tickled at her insides.
Anna took off her own coat, revealing her pale freckled shoulders, and closed the door behind Elsa.
“There was a man..a guard…he..”
Anna took her sister and held her tight against her.
Elsa let out a sob, muffled by Anna’s chest. She relayed the events of the past half hour to Anna. All the while Anna sat listening to her and didn’t say a word.
When Elsa was finally finished,  she looked up at her baby sister.
“I don’t know who I am anymore, Anna”
Anna pulled away from the hug to look at her sister.
“You’re Elsa” Anna said, smiling. “My kind and beautiful sister”
“I’m a monster”
“The only monster is that guard. Which we will take care of once we get you cleaned up.”
Anna put her arm around Elsa and moved her along gently.
Elsa didn’t have the heart to tell her sister that she had taken care of that guard.
She didn’t even know his name.

Elsa sat staring up at the ceiling, her face devoid of any emotion for she was frozen in fear at what had transpired.
Anna had left her alone in the bathtub for some initial privacy and there she had cried so hard her chest began to ache.
A few minutes had passed since then and after making sure she was composed, she asked for her baby sister.
Anna had entered the room in trepidation, as you’d suppose a sister might if her sibling was bathing.
Elsa hid her nakedness underneath the bubbles, with only a bare leg propped up being visible to Anna.
When Elsa asked if Anna could wash the come out of her hair, Anna didn’t hesitate to pull up a stool and begin washing.
It was hard to describe her feelings then, Elsa found. The shock of the murder seemed to give way to the soothing heat of the bathtub.
Anything that remained of the guard had since been scoured from her body and she was born again.

Born again. The words caught on her mind, circling around and around. Born again.
Elsa couldn’t shake the thought as Anna cleaned her hair. Every cleansing sensation that came about by Anna purifying her golden locks brought the notion back to the forefront of her mind.

To keep her mind off of things, Elsa asked her about how things were going.
Is she happy? How are things with Kristoff? Is he treating her alright?
The answer to all things, of course, was yes.
But when Anna spoke, she spoke with, at least it seemed that way to Elsa, with uncertainty.
At what and why? Elsa was too tired to ponder on.
The image of the guard shattering into a thousand minuscule pieces came back to her and she shuddered.
“That bath looks so warm and cozy”
Anna’s voice snapped Elsa out of the thought. She tilted her head back, craning it almost, to look up at Anna.
Anna’s eyes were glazed over and distracted.
“You’re welcome to share it”

The words came dancing off her tongue before Elsa realized. Her heart leapt in her throat.
“I mean, you know…if you’d like”
Elsa wanted to bury her head in the water and freeze over the bath her embarrassment was that large.
She turned her gaze away from Anna and practices her breathing.
Conceal, don’t feel, her fathers voice spoke to her throughout the ages.
“Kristoff and I..I mean..we can’t fit..we tried once..”
Elsa looked to Anna just in time to see her go bright Scarlett. It made her whole face glow.
She didn’t know what to say to that so she let the conversation give way to silence.
“But…” Anna spoke in a whisper, and swallowed. The click in her throat was quite audible.
“We could try…”

Anna stood up from her stool and walked to the front of the bathtub.
She locked eyes with Elsa and took a sharp breath in.
Elsa saw this and forced a gentle shrug.
“You don’t have to, Anna”
The corner of Anna’s lips curved into a smile as she reached behind her back.

Her hands moved, back and forth, as Anna’s face twisted in concentration.
Her hands then moved quickly to the front as her dress fell forward, revealing her nude body.
Neither of them spoke a moment as Anna stood there.
Elsa regarded her and felt heartbeat spike.
Anna was extraordinarily beautiful.
Extraordinarily beautiful in the way that words can’t describe, only the feeling in your stomach soaring as a bird high in the sky can.
She was pale, with freckles sprinkled across her arms and thighs.
Her breasts were small and perky, with soft pink nipples. They heaved up and down as Anna stood breathing nervously.
Elsa found her eyes traveling over her sister’s body, feeling guilt but also an intrigue that forced her to keep looking with curiosity.

Anna’s mound was lightly trimmed and as red as her hair.
A new sub thought was added to Elsa’s ever-chugging train: her mound was pleasing to her eyes.
Anna reached up and untied her hair, which promptly fell across her shoulders, covering her nipples.
Elsa has to remind herself to swallow.

It was at that point, while remembering to breathe, that Elsa remembered to make room for her baby sister.
She grabbed hold of the bathtub and sat upright, revealing her chest.
Anna’s eyes travelled to her sister’s breasts and there was a hint of her eyes widening.
She looked away.
“Anna, it’s okay. Come get in before you catch a chill”
Elsa had larger breasts then Anna and a shape that Elsa had grown to love over the years.
Out of the two sisters, it seemed, Elsa had inherited this trait from her mother.

Anna, quite slowly, stepped one foot before the other and lowered herself down gently into the bath.
A few moments of an uneasy silence passed between the two as they got comfortable but before long, it was as if they were anywhere having a conversation at any time.
Elsa forgot her mantra and Anna let go of being shy.
The two spoke about their parents, about Olaf being a hit with the children and how they spent their summers in the forests beyond the castle.
There was no mention of Hans, the incident with the eternal winter or the guard.
For the first time in forever, Elsa felt something she had never felt before: a sense of belonging. She felt that here, in this bubble, in this very moment, was where she belonged.

O, the guilt was there indeed!
It had not left Elsa despite the joy their conversation had brought her.
It lingered in the air; it hovered above her with every light touch that their bodies made.
Elsa couldn’t properly conceive her love for her sister, not yet at this point in time. That would come later.
Now, she could feel the guilt behind her chest, pumping it’s way through her system via the cortisol in her veins.
Anna had been feeling a similar sensation; only chest had pained her in her anxious mind.
There was something enchanting about her older sister, something electric, something supernatural that seemed to possess her.
What was this, she had wondered, looking at the way Elsa’s nipple sat above water.
Was this simple admiration or something deeper?
The thought of finding another woman attractive was alien to her, let alone the idea of being intimate with one.
Anna pushed it out of her mind and the two continued their conversation.
The two of them laughed and splashed each other as they talked.
And each of them separately thought it was the most beautiful experience they’ve shared together.

To Be Continued…



Ice And Fire, Part I



Note: This is the first instalment in my Dark Disney entry into the Frozen world and — it’s more than a little dark. So hopefully you find a little nook to climb into and disappear into this piece.


For the first time in years, Elsa didn’t feel completely and utterly alone.
Where she had spent the days huddled in the corner of her bedroom fearing what the townsfolk of Arendelle might do to her if they found out the truth about her, now she walked with the crowd, doing fantastical magic tricks for children and adults alike.
The people adored her and accepted her – and still, something deep down within her rumbled through her chest, coursing itself through her veins.
It was her familiar friend fear that coiled itself around her heart, feeling her mind with dark thoughts and imagery.
In those moments, she panicked as a thought prickled its way up her spine: What if I lash out again? What if this takes over me and I not only bring Arendelle to ruins but the whole world?

Sometimes she had dreams. In those dreams, she walked through the ruins of Arendelle frozen still, its people locked still in the moment of when the icy blast hit them.
Elsa walked through the snowy landscape, moving pass the still faces twisted in grimaces of horror.
Each dream of a frozen Arendelle took the same path: Elsa walked through the town towards the Great Lake, now just solid ice.
Each dream, she didn’t want to look, she didn’t want to see – but she could not tear herself out of the moment. She couldn’t get away.
She couldn’t stop looking at the frozen figure of her younger sister Anna, her eyes wide and lifeless. A victim of Elsa’s emotional outburst.
Everything hit her in the moment she saw Anna’s face – the heartbreak, the loss of life, of everyone, especially her sister, who she loved more than anything.

On those days, after she awoke from her nightmare, she would rush into Anna’s room, just to see her beautiful face once more.
Elsa thought all about this and more and as she watched Kristoff, Sven, Anna and Olaf sit in the Town Square together enjoying their lunch.
A thought came to her mind then – a thought so out of the ordinary that it seemed to strike her with electricity: She is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid my eyes upon.
O, it’s not uncommon to think such a thing about your family or your friends, that’s true indeed, but Elsa found that the thought came with such a surge that it took her by surprise.

Is it merely love for my sister after years of loneliness or am I missing something? Elsa wondered.
In truth, she had been desperately lonely all those years she had spent in her room living with nothing but her fear and anxieties, longing for a companion that wasn’t made out of ice. Longing for warmth. But nothing came and she was utterly alone.
Now that that time had passed and the town had accepted Elsa, Elsa and Anna were reunited at last.

Thinking of Anna now, Elsa realized that suddenly thinking of her as ‘beautiful’ took on a whole dimension and form.
She noticed the way her green eyes became lighter in the sun or how her freckles sit across her face.
Elsa was aware now, of things she hasn’t seen in her sister before and it frightened her.
Before Anna could notice and invite her over, Elsa turned and headed back up the palace steps, to withdraw into the throne room.

She lit a fire and warmed her hands. The thought of inspecting Anna closely made her feel like a freak.
Her body, typically, began to freeze the floor around her.
“No” she spat, exasperated. “Please, not again!”
The ice crackled as it spread over the carpet, freezing it still.
A chill shot up her thighs and teased the slit of her cunt.
Elsa focused on the fire. The warmth.

Baking, sunburn.



Ice shot out of her in a shockwave, covering the floor beneath her in a sheet of white.
The doors to the throne room opened and an Arendelle guard stepped forward.
“Is everything alright, my queen?”
Before Elsa could move he was beside her, moving her by the wrist out of the ice.
“Please, I’m alright”
Elsa grabbed a towel off a nearby table and bent down to place it over the dampened spot.
As she did so, she noticed the guard looking down her dress, which had lifted forward, exposing her breasts that were snug against the fabric.

It all happened so fast.
The guard reached out to her and pulled her up.
Elsa cried out in surprise and immediately went to conjure her powers, but it was too late, the guard had her pinned facing the wall.
“I’ve always wanted a taste of the ice queen. We’ve all heard the rumors you don’t take men into your quarters. I’ll be the first”
Elsa struggled to move, struggled to fight back but it was no use. He had her pinned and he was strong.

Rough hands tore at her Ice blue dress.
Elsa felt the cool summer breeze skim across her legs and tickle her ass.
Something pulsated within her.
In a matter of seconds, the guard was tearing down her panties.
The light blue with white polka dots color scheme got tangled around her knees. The tightly wound material cut into her skin.

That’s when she felt his hot breath on her left ear.
“I’ve waited a long time to see what secrets lay beneath.”
“You just wait till my sister -”
“It’s a lovely day, my queen. Don’t ruin it with threats”
Elsa went to struggle again but the guard kept her firmly in place.
“Now let’s see how icy your cunt is”

The man kept a fistful of her golden hair while he lowered himself down along her bare ass.
Elsa whimpered – a haggard pathetic sound – and hugged the wall to inch herself away from him.
It made no difference, she was helpless, captured to be still by this man.
He drew close to her and she could feel his hands thumb at her ass, splitting it open slowly.

When the wetness of his tongue slid into her, she shrieked and tried to thrash but his hand held her still.
The guard slid his tongue from the opening of her anus down to her slit.
She heard him chuckle.
“Smooth? I didn’t take you for smooth, my queen. I thought your pubes would be ice blue”
With that, he lowered his tongue upon her.
Elsa was horrified to find that her body betrayed her. The impulse that shook through her that moment told her it felt nice, soothing – but still she struggled back against.

With one leg, she kicked him back.
He was surprised, taken back even, but he was ready for her.
“You little conniving whore” He hissed as he held her to the ground.
“Daddy was just trying to take care of you, best he knows how”
Elsa struggled against him. The two grunted in unison for two very different reasons.
Elsa felt the man go still a moment – then she felt something hard against her back. It slid between her ass and pressed against her.

At once it started to burn and then — she fell into a daze.
She couldn’t tell what happened at that point. Her vision became a blur and she had the strangest sense of feeling full.
She fought against the sensation but arms felt tied to a claim.
Stinging pain shot through her body. It erupted in pulsating waves, one after the other.

The guard, she saw, was smacking her.
“Do you know what happens to naughty girls that misbehave? They get reigned in.”
The guard spoke lowly, almost to himself. His voice was manic.
How did this happen, think Elsa, as the guard was massaging his cock between her ass cheeks.
Suddenly the guard had her up against the wall facing him.
He lowered her down.

“Change of plans” He mumbled with a laugh.
Elsa has to do a double take to his words and just as she deciphered it, his cock slid into her mouth and down her throat.
It was warm and salty, with the faintest taste of sweat as it thrust in and out of her wet mouth.
The very action made Elsa gag.
Elsa was against the wall as his thick uncut cock slid in and out of her mouth again and again.
She struggled to breath against the constant sensation of her throat being filled.
Somewhere above he groaned as his hips thrust into her.
Elsa tried swatting him away but he held her in place, his thrusting quickening.
“No” she cried, pushing against him.
“Breath a little ice on it, honey” He purred as his cock slid smoothly down her throat.
She could taste herself on his cock.
The sensation caused her to jerk and forward and swipe at him.
Her left hand hit him in the stomach and he recoiled.
He yanked on her hair and whispered. “Little frustrating bitch, I was close”
He spat on her – a thick glob of saliva struck her face.
It stung her cheeks and slid down to the corners of her mouth.

The lightheadedness that was with Elsa earlier in the day was returning and she realised she was struggling to breathe.
She grappled frantically at the man to try and get some air, her chest heaving for that relief.
She got it when the man slid his cock roughly out of her mouth and shot his load all over her face.
It hit her in pulsating waves, rolling down her cheeks and necks and pooling around her nipples.
The man laughed to himself as he stood back and watched her.
Elsa looked around at her surroundings, panting, taking in huge gulps of air.
The guard just laughed.
“NO” cried Elsa in defiance – and that’s when a dazzling blinding light shot out of her hands and enveloped everything she saw in a furious white light.


To be continued…




Amidst The Darkness Within

I have a good relationship with the darkness within me. I feed it, it manages to leave me be. But sometimes it will shock me with its ability to conjure forth an idea and arouse me. Something that appeals to my darkness, something that it craves, sometimes relentlessly, is to find an image, say something from Disney’s animations and exploit that sort of timelessness and innocence. Something that revels in destroying the images from our childhood.

Let’s take a look at Alice in Wonderland: the poor lovely blondie is trapped in a nightmarish mystery land with no clear path to exit. What if The Mad Hatter lifts up that dress of hers, revealing a pair of lacy black panties, and takes her by force from behind before erupting on her face. Talk about a tea party.

What if instead of the order of “Off with her head”, The Queen orders her guards to Gang bang Alice while she watches from her chair, pleasuring herself.

Or let’s look at the attractive sisters Anna and Elsa from Frozen. I feel like I need to write a story where a man seduces them both, leading to a wild threesome that results in an incestuous relationship that would be another way to wrap up Anna and Elsa’s relationship.

Taking Beauty and the Beast is just too easy. The man’s obviously already halfway there – he’s got he anger issues, he’s dark and brooding and hey, he’s literally a beast. He could take her out on the balcony to look at the moon and take her by surprise – a fist full of hair in one hand, his hand gripping her tit in the other.

I don’t know what it is in me that find these images so alluring. I think it’s for two reasons – one, because it’s alluring and two, because the darkness inside of me gets a cruel glee at taking these innocent images and twisting them into something sexual and warped. I love it. That darkness is bewildering and intoxicating all at once.

I wanted to share this example of my darkness within me with the blog world. Hopefully it challenges you and surprises you to think of things that you watched as a child in such an adult way.