There’s Some Kind Of Nude Photographer In Me



It seems I’ve been writing about nude photography a bit lately. The Conduit came to mind recently but I had expressed an interest before by jotting down Expression earlier in the year.

Personally I like Expression more and I am sorry I’ve repeated myself, I hope you’ll take away different things from the two posts. I think this repetition is due to bearing the curse of being a writer – we’re always constantly rewriting what’s in our minds.

Nude photography has been in my mind this week. I can’t really say why – If I had to guess, I think it’s the appeal of working together with the subject of the lens to complete a vision. There’s something rich about that – people working, co-conspiring on a piece together. The art being created from that.

There’s something else though – there’s beauty to it, not just in setting or man or female but in being granted that opportunity to capture – the curves, the lines, the reality of this human being.

I have plenty of ideas I’d like to express, from the fantastical to the surreal, but mayhaps it’s just a funny idea you think of in your down time every so often. Like owning a beehive or becoming a food critic.

Oh have no doubt I’ve run my musings by my lady. She smiles sweetly, shyly, the idea working in her head. I’ll keep asking when it comes to mind. She doesn’t mind the lens but she doubts herself, despite my unwavering reassurance. I understand. Some don’t care for the confrontation, some just don’t want to be nude on camera plain and simply.

For the avid readers on my blog, does it come as a surprise that I am fond of the 1986 Anne Rice Novel Belinda? For the unaware, Belinda tells the story of a 44 year old man who becomes infatuated with a 16 year old girl. They fall in love in the intimate setting of his apartment, where he likes to paint nude portraits of her. It’s strange and sensual, erotic and dark. Wholly unique.

That novel deals with the theme of obsession. But what I take away from it is the absorbing concept of capturing someone in a creative and entirely new manner. For, what else can the lens or canvas capture? What of its world? What of the beauty, naked to the eye but not to the brush or lens?



7 thoughts on “There’s Some Kind Of Nude Photographer In Me

  1. I just want to send a little encouragement to your dear lady to enjoy how much you love her beautiful form and her soft skin.

    Do something fun together and take photos, not to publish, but to look at together afterwards – I love doing that, especially if I’ve been bound or blindfold, it lets me see the scene as he experienced it. 😍
    Take a look at my body painting pics for an example of a gloriously happy experience!


    1. That’s a beautiful idea. I’ll pass that along. I reckon that could be a wonderful thing to explore. She’s a bit more private than I am. Which is perfectly fine, it just means something even more personal and sacred in art – for my eyes only 🙂 💕


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